What percent of motorcycle accidents are caused by other drivers?

According to the study, about 34 percent of motorcycle crashes involve a vehicle. Compare that to just 19 percent of car accidents involving a. Motorcycles have a significantly higher number of single-vehicle crashes than drivers of other vehicles. In fact, 34% of motorcycle accidents involve only the motorcycle driver, compared to 19% of car accidents involving only the driver of the car.

By their nature, motorcycles are much less likely to crash than closed vehicles. They are also less visible to other drivers and pedestrians and less stable than four-wheeled vehicles. Riding a motorcycle requires a different combination of physical and mental skills than those used to drive four-wheeled vehicles. Motorcyclists and their passengers are more vulnerable to the hazards of weather and road conditions than drivers of closed vehicles.

About 75% of all motorcycle accidents involve a collision between a motorcycle and at least one car. Most of these motorcycle crashes are caused by motorists who do not detect motorcycles in traffic when they turn, change lanes, move through an intersection, or merge. These drivers either don't detect the motorcyclist completely or only see him when it's too late to avoid the accident. Most motorcycle crashes occur at intersections when the motorist violates the motorcyclist's right of way or fails to obey a traffic signal or traffic light.

Motorcycle accident statistics highlight the importance of taking a motorcycle safety course, which can help reduce the risk of an accident in novice drivers. Either way, completing a motorcycle education course is a good way to make sure you have the right instruction and experience needed to ride a motorcycle. Let's not forget about supersports bikes, whose drivers are not only more likely to suffer motorcycle accidents, but also serious accidents. And of all the crashes in which motorcyclists are significantly injured or killed, 50% are crashes involving only the motorcycle and no other vehicle.

Motorcycle training can also lower the motorcycle insurance premium, which is an added benefit, but not a negligible one. A lawyer who specializes in motorcycle accidents can help you handle your insurance claim, negotiate a fair settlement, or advocate for you in court. It may surprise many people to learn that in motorcycle accidents involving a motorcycle and a passenger car, the driver of the passenger car is more often the cause of the accident than the driver of the motorcycle. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact Trial Lawyers for Justice today to schedule a consultation regarding your case.

You can increase your visibility by applying reflective materials to your motorcycle and keeping your motorcycle headlights on at all times, even with high beams during the day. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison collected data on the worst motorcycle accidents and found that the incidence rate of spinal injuries was twice as likely in cyclists who did not wear helmets. If you are carrying a passenger, you should ride the motorcycle only after the engine has started; you should sit as far forward as possible, directly behind you; and you must keep both feet on the footrest at all times, even when the motorcycle is stationary. When really serious and fatal motorcycle crashes are observed, 50 percent of those accidents involve only the motorcycle and no other vehicle.

In analyzing 10 years of motorcycle accidents in Florida, Chanyoung Lee, principal investigator at the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida, found that 60 percent of the time motorists in other vehicles are at fault when they collide with motorcycles. Those with motorcycle backing on their driver's licenses report that they see motorcycles all the time, while those who don't have backups and who live in the same area report that they occasionally see motorcycles. Head-on collisions are one of the most dangerous types of accidents for drivers due to the uneven amount of force involved (cars typically weigh four times more than motorcycles) and the lack of safety features on motorcycles. .
